Volume 28 | Number 1 | Year 2015 | Article Id. IJMTT-V28P506 | DOI : https://doi.org/10.14445/22315373/IJMTT-V28P506
Ebola is the dangerous virus to warrant global fears over a pandemic which infects large numbers of people in West Africa. In order to have a better understanding of the dynamics of its spreading in Liberia 2014, we described an epidemiological (Susceptible- Infected- Recovered) SIR model in which we simulated and compared it with the actual data from world health organization.
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Roshan Kumar, Smita Dey, "SIR Model for Ebola Outbreak in Liberia," International Journal of Mathematics Trends and Technology (IJMTT), vol. 28, no. 1, pp. 28-30, 2015. Crossref, https://doi.org/10.14445/22315373/IJMTT-V28P506