Volume 47 | Number 3 | Year 2017 | Article Id. IJMTT-V47P528 | DOI : https://doi.org/10.14445/22315373/IJMTT-V47P528
In this paper we shall construct a mathematical model to study the impact of competition on the growth of two species in a given geographical re- gion and for a given interval of time. In our paper we shall also discuss the stability of autonomous dynamical system representing the growth of two species and study the relation between the pop- ulation density of competitively superior species and competitively inferior species competing for the same resource in a given region and in a given interval of time.
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Nabajyoti Bhattacharjee, Gaurav Goswami, "A Mathematical Model to Study Stability of Biological Interaction: Competition," International Journal of Mathematics Trends and Technology (IJMTT), vol. 47, no. 3, pp. 215-219, 2017. Crossref, https://doi.org/10.14445/22315373/IJMTT-V47P528