Volume 51 | Number 2 | Year 2017 | Article Id. IJMTT-V51P516 | DOI : https://doi.org/10.14445/22315373/IJMTT-V51P516
The aim of this paper is to establish some convergence and (,)ST -stability almost surely results for random Jungck-Noor type iterative scheme. Our results generalize and unify some deterministic results in the literature. Using the MATLAB programming we shall also compare the convergence rate of some random Jungck type iterative schemes.
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Anju Panwar, Ravi Prakash Bhokal, "Convergence and (S,T )- Stability Almost Surely for Random Jungck-Noor Type Iterative Scheme with Convergence Comparison," International Journal of Mathematics Trends and Technology (IJMTT), vol. 51, no. 2, pp. 129-135, 2017. Crossref, https://doi.org/10.14445/22315373/IJMTT-V51P516